Manage NDR

Main Features:

  • Robust backend to ensure improved transparency and visibility of orders in NDR.
  • Real-time visibility of each stage of NDR orders.
  • Automated and real-time action update to couriers for quick actions on undelivered orders.


  1. Total count of orders with the latest NDR received within the date range specified in 7.
  2. Total count of orders with NDR status as PENDING, as no action has been taken on that NDR. (the orders’ latest NDR date lies within the date range specified in 7.)
  3. Total count of orders with NDR status as INITIATED, i.e. action has been taken on these NDR(s). (the orders’ latest NDR date lies within the date range specified in 7.)
  4. NDR Events Reason Count summary → contains the top 10 NDR Event Reasons, sorted in descending order. (the orders’ latest NDR date lies within the date range specified in 7.)
  5. NDR Outcomes summary → contains the %percentage of Closed NDR(s) that have final status as Delivered or RTO. (the orders’ latest NDR date lies within the date range specified in 7.)
  6. NDR Pending Age summary → contains the bar graph showing bars corresponding to two data for a particular date, which are: (the orders’ latest NDR date lies within the date range specified in 7.)
  7. Total NDR(s) that occurred on that particular date [PENDING NDR(s)]
  8. Total number of orders that came in NDR on that particular date and action was taken on those NDR(s) [NDR(s) on which Action was taken]
  9. Date Range to retrieve orders which have the latest NDR date within this date range.


  • Shows the details of orders which have NDR status as PENDING 


  • Shows the details of orders which have NDR status as INITIATED 


  • Shows the details of orders which have NDR status as CLOSED